Hello my lovelies. I hope you’ve all had a great week. It’s been a great week in my little corner of the northeast of England in terms of productive accomplishments. I longarm quilted a few charity quilts and designed and pieced a couple of new cushion covers. I kept the design simple and doable in one session. Here’s a little peek …..


I am the queen of meander freemotion quilting but this time I kept the quilting very very simple by quilting in the ditch. I used that funky sewing machine foot that helps me stitch along the seam without wibbling and wobbling all over the place. I love it when a plan comes together.


The sun has been shining all day long here. The last few days have been sunshine free for the most part. And don’t let’s get started about how cold it’s been. It was like winter! I have really appreciated seeing the sun today. Perhaps that why I zoomed thru making not one but two cushion covers!!! The sun spurs me on.


So, I guess that’s another week behind us. We’re almost halfway thru the year. I suppose that’s my report for today. I hope you all have a super cosy evening doing something you truly enjoy doing. Until next time,

Let’s all keep on stitching.

Lucie x


Hello my lovelies. I hope you’ve all had a brilliant day. It’s been pretty productive day here in my little world. You may remember that last week I loaded my latest finished quilt top, my Sweet Dresden Town, in my longarm quilting system.


Well today was the day to start quilting my Sweet Dresden Town. Quilting one of my own designs is always quite exciting. Seeing a project come to fruition is so satisfying. So, I did a little simple stitching in the borders …..


And then did some random stitching in and around the town patches. I call this stitching pattern Double E’s.  I tried to keep the design small in order to fill in the negative spaces enough so that the patches pop.



I spent all day in my sewing room working on this quilt. I managed to finish the stitching but didn’t get the loose thread sewn in. Custom quilting creates a lot of loose threads but only because you travel from one area to next stitching different designs.


I am so thrilled to have gotten as much done as I did today. Tomorrow I will sew in the loose threads and join up leftover scraps for the binding. And I’ll bet that even though I’ll be using some of those scraps for the binding I will still have scraps leftover!!! It seems the more scraps you use the more scraps you have, only they’re smaller. I can’t wait for tomorrow to come now.

I have mentioned several times that I have been doing some knitting in the evening while watching TV. I knitted several pairs of socks and thoroughly enjoyed it so I went on to knit something a pullover. I chose some yarn in a colour I would never have used before. Isn’t it amazing how our colour choices changes after a while. I’ve kept the knitting design really simple because I’m using variegated yarn which makes the whole project more interested because of the colour changes.


It’s been another good day in my little world. As well as quilting my Sweet Dresden Town, I made some soup for our supper. I love chicken vegetable noodle soup which some fresh bread. Oooooh yum. It’s the perfect time of year for soup and other comfort food.

So, I guess that’s my report for today. I sure hope tomorrow is full of as much goodness as today was. I’m quite pleased with today effort. I hope you have a super cosy evening doing something you truly enjoy doing. Until next time,

Let’s all keep on stitching.

Lucie x


Hello my lovelies. I hope you’ve all had a super-duper day. It’s been a good productive day in my little world. Somehow, I managed to add the last borders onto my Sweet Dresden Town quilt project. I have been working on and off on this project for some months now. I am so thrilled to see the quilt top finished and loaded into my longarm quilting system. I’m hoping that by this time next week the quilt will be quilted, bound and labelled; ready to unveil to the world. I’m quite pleased with this project. It’s a whimsical view of the neighbourhood I would love to live in. There are a couple of real-life landmarks which can be found in my little corner of the northeast of England.


I will be adding some simple quilting to this quilt using a very pale green thread and the binding will be a scrappy multi-coloured affair. Instead of introducing new fabric for the border, I plan on using up all the scraps from the patches.

With My Sweet Dresden Town all but finished, I’m already looking for a new project to sink my teeth into. I still have plenty of fabric in my stash that needs using up. I would like my next whimsy to be a combination of simple pieced blocks and simple appliqué blocks. This year has been all about the Dresden Plate, so perhaps I should find another favourite block to work with for my next endeavour. I’ll let you know when I decide on my next theme.

I worked in my sewing room all morning and part of the afternoon on my feet. While working I wore these …..


I am determined to break these beauties in enough so I can wear them out and about properly. They are more comfortable than when I first purchased them but they’re not like slippers yet.

Today is Wednesday, the hump of the week. Only two more workdays left to this week. I feel like I’ve been very busy lately but somehow, I don’t have much to show for my efforts. I must try harder. I don’t seem to be taking many photos these days. Rather than taking photos I seem to be enjoying life as it comes.

So, I guess that’s my report for today. It’s been a good day here at happy stitching manor. I have enjoyed my quiet time working at my slow and measured pace. And even though I worked quietly and slowly, I still made good progress. Speed isn’t important. I think what’s important is to enjoy every moment of what you’re doing. I hope you all have a super cosy evening doing something you truly enjoy. Until next time,

Let’s all keep on stitching.

Lucie x